Cold, Coffee and Coconut Oil


Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

I don’t know where your feet reside on this great big beautiful blue marble of ours, but in the great state of Pennsylvania Winter has definitely arrived! Baby it’s COLD outside! I mean COLD! Now, I know there are some of you who enjoy these icy, brisk temperatures – and I have the number of a very good therapist I can give you to talk to about that – but, I was not made for this climate. I’m pretty sure the stork made a slight geographical error when looking for where I was to be placed (my family probably agrees with this!). I’m pretty sure my correct drop zone was supposed to be somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands! I have been trying for some time now to convince Mr. T to correct this error by relocating me there now, but to no avail! Continue reading “Cold, Coffee and Coconut Oil”