Wrapping Up Body Types

Wrapping Up Body Types

As we’re reaching the end of our discussion on body types, I decided to wrap it up by giving you a “2 fer” – two for the price of one – and do both Inverted Triangles and Hourglass shapes together. Continue reading “Wrapping Up Body Types”

Dressing a Triangle Shape

Dressing a Triangle Shape

Back again with the next installment on dressing your body type. This week – the Triangle.

You might wonder to yourself, What’s the big deal about body types? Is this something I really need to know? Quite frankly, no. You can live a perfectly fulfilling life and never once have a clue, or even think about, what your body type is. So, what’s the point in knowing? Confidence! Knowing you’re presenting your body to it’s best possible advantage. The average person thinks over 50,000 thoughts per day. 80% of those are negative and 90% of those negative thoughts we re-think throughout the day. Knowing how to use our assets to our best advantage helps us to say…This is my body world! I’m proud of it! I’m proud of who God created me to be and how He created me to look, and I can totally rock this shape! Stylist and author Deborah Lynn Darling said, “Attitude is a necessary prerequisite to being beautiful. When you feel beautiful, you act beautiful. When you act beautiful, you ARE beautiful.” To paraphrase from her book Dress to Look Your Best, When you feel a healthy sense of confidence in who you are, you have no need to judge anyone else because you are satisfied and content within yourself. Continue reading “Dressing a Triangle Shape”

Make Your Diamond Sparkle

Make Your Diamond Sparkle

Friday was a gorgeous day in PA – 83, sun shining…. it was hard to have to do anything, but sit outside and soak up the sun.

I sat outside with the dog several times and couldn’t help noticing how beautiful my wedding rings looked out in the sun. When you positioned them so the sunshine hit them just right, with the beautiful backdrop of the gold bands, the diamonds just came alive. Many people who find themselves with a Diamond body type often feel they’ve gotten the short end of the stick. They feel like they have the worst body type you can have. But, we know there are no bad body types. God knew just what He was doing when He wove you together. The Diamond Shape (often referred to as the Apple shape), though it has it’s challenges – just like all types do – when you know how to work it and position it just right, can sparkle and shine just like it’s namesake! Continue reading “Make Your Diamond Sparkle”

Wearing a Body-Con Dress When You’re Body Self-Con

Wearing a Body-Con Dress When You’re Body Self-Con

Happy Friday, my friends, and happy 1st day of March! March! When did that happen?! Didn’t we just have Christmas?! But, I’m good with the flipping of the calendar page… that takes us one more step away from Winter and one more step towards the sun and warmth of Spring!

Did you ever buy an item of clothing, particularly online, only to have it fit in a way that you’re not quite happy with? Not that it doesn’t fit… it just doesn’t fit the way you want it to. And you either can’t, or are too stubborn (or lazy) to return it?

Well, that’s what I’m dealing with… Continue reading “Wearing a Body-Con Dress When You’re Body Self-Con”

In the Presence of Greatness

In the Presence of Greatness

Happy Friday, my friends! Finally I’ve had a moment to sit and share with you the glorious morning I spent with my daughter, Heather, visiting the Dior exhibit at Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Heather and I – Happy little fashionistas as we were leaving the exhibit

First, to simply call it a “Dior” exhibit is not to do it justice. Designers of every decade, country, and flavor were represented throughout the displays. Heather and I both, being the total fashionistas we both are, were awestruck from moment one with the mastery and artistry that surrounded us at every turn.

I’ll try to say very little here, but primarily let the pictures speak for themselves… Continue reading “In the Presence of Greatness”

A Little Dior…even in the cold

A Little Dior…even in the cold

Could it possibly be any colder?! I think not! For a girls with zero tolerance for the cold, this is totally unacceptable.

And for a girl who loves to wear dresses and skirts, this also puts a huge damper on my wardrobe selection. Let’s face it… though we can argue that dresses are equally as comfortable as pants – frequently more so – and make life much easier when getting dressed – one and done… they rarely meet criteria for being as warm. Try going online and doing some dress shopping this afternoon and you’ll note that easily a good 75% of dresses are sleeveless, strapless, cap sleeved or, at best, short-sleeved. Finding a long-sleeved dress – and one you actually LIKE – can be challenging. Then throw in a good warm fabric and you’ve narrowed the playing field even more. Continue reading “A Little Dior…even in the cold”

It Must Be In the “Jeans”

It Must Be In the “Jeans”

I had a wonderful, unexpected happening this week! I had a chance to talk to my best friend from kindergarten/first grade (and 4th grade, long story), Teresa! Though, friends on Facebook, it’s probably been at least  30 years since we’ve actually spoken to one another.

Teresa and I met when both of our fathers, who were in the Air Force at the time, were stationed in North Dakota. (Brrrrr….) She dared to ride her tricycle into our driveway while I was swinging around a bike lock/chain. (why was I allowed to do this???) I swung dangerously close to her, as a warning to other wayward 4 & 5 yr. olds who might dare enter my domain and, for my penance, my mother forced me to apologize and invite her over to play. From there was born almost nightly sleepovers and what has become a friendship that has spanned the decades. Continue reading “It Must Be In the “Jeans””